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Welcome To HeartMath

Learn powerful techniques to free yourself from trauma; build up your resilience and tolerance to stress; improve mood and cognition; restore health and well-being; and create new reference patterns that have nothing to do with the past.

Heal Your Heart And Transform Your Life 

Do you suffer from depression, anxiety, PTSD, addiction, chronic pain, strange illnesses, toxic relationships, or the long-term effects of abuse, trauma, or neglect?

HeartMath techniques will transform your life. These simple and effective tools will help you build up your resilience and tolerance to stress; restore wholeness, confidence, and sense of self; improve sleep, mood, and cognition; decrease pain and inflammation; and create new reference patterns that have nothing to do with the past.

Get ready to create a new empowered life by healing your heart . . . .

What Is HeartMath?

The heart has a brain of 44,000 neurons that generates the largest electromagnetic field in the body that can extend several feet up to miles. Not only can it change your brain, but it can also change someone else's too.

When we experience stress or trauma, the heart beats a rhythm that tells the brain "I am not safe. I am not ok. I am in danger and it's time to fight, run, hide, freeze, or fawn." This pattern can become the dysfunctional default mode that we fall into whenever we become stressed out or are not paying attention. It affects our subconscious and unconscious mind which controls our thoughts, emotions, behaviors, choices, communication, interactions with others, and our perception and experience of reality.

If this incoherent pattern continues for a prolonged period, it can lead to systemic dysregulation, imbalances, inflammation, dysfunction, disease, and even death. It can make you feel sick, stuck, drained, tired, unhappy, unhealthy,  unmotivated, and unaware so you keep repeating the same wounding events, circumstances, and relationships over and over again.

HeartMath techniques change the rhythms between the heart and the brain from incoherence to COHERENCE which restores self-regulation, function, wholeness, and sense of identity or personality; decreases pain, inflammation, depression, anxiety, PTSD symptoms, and addiction; boosts self-confidence and self-esteem; improves sleep, memory, concentration, intuition and a long list of other qualities that foster health and wellbeing . . . and it only takes seconds to do it.

Not only does HeartMath change your physiological response to stress so that it takes a lot more to activate unhealthy responses, but it also changes your mind so that you make different choices from genuine intuition rather than emotion and it unravels chronic patterns that lead to and exacerbate chronic health conditions.

Like a disease, healing is infectious. Not only does HeartMath transform the energy you radiate into the world, but it also transforms the energy of everyone connected to you and or that you come in contact with, including your ancestors and the collective (global) through the quantum field. These techniques can be modified to heal and transform others and manifest incredible things because the Law of Attraction follows the Law of Resonance. Become a beacon of light by learning how to
radiate love, compassion, abundance, prosperity, and joy.

SESSIONS - $100/hour:

You can choose to schedule a stand-alone session to just learn the 6 HeartMath techniques that will transform your life, or can pair them with a spiritual counseling and intuitive life coaching session. Either way, HeartMath techniques will help you:

- Reset your nervous system out of fight, flight or freeze

- Teach your body to self-regulate

- Build up your resilience and tolerance to stress so that it takes a lot more to induce a reaction

- Increase your production of serotonin, dopamine, oxytocin and DHEA

- Overcome depression, anxiety, PTSD and addiction

- Reduce or heal chronic pain, chronic fatigue, and other long-term health issues that are related to toxic stress

- Restore wholeness, well-being, confidence, courage, joy and hope

- Create emotional freedom with new reference patterns that have nothing to do with the past

- Improve intuition, self-awareness, memory, cognition, attention, concentration, persistence and pace

- Improve relationships and communication with self and others

- Resolve personal, ancestral and collective trauma, faulty thinking and behavior

- Help you with critical thinking, problem-solving, manifestation, synchronicities and more....

Book a session to transmute the past, transform the present, manifest a brighter future and create a new reality. Check out the links below for more information about how the heart affects your entire life.

HeartMath Techniques

Blue Skies


Heart-Focused Breathing Technique

Use in the moment to reduce the intensity of depleting emotions:

  • Shifts attention

  • Builds composure

  • Saves energy


Quick Coherence Technique

Use in the moment to shift depleting emotions, for conflicts, or to prepare for difficult conversations:

  • Emotional regulation

  • Builds coherence

  • Increases energy

  • Increases resilience


Heart Lock-In Technique

Use for personal practice 10-15 minutes per day. Use in the moment to assist someone with co-regulation:

  • Builds coherent baseline

  • Improves and radiates a coherent field for others

Blue Skies


Freeze-Frame Technique

Use for situations that feel stuck and would benefit from a new perspective, attitude or solution. Can assist in making
patient care decisions.

  • Increases access to intuitive guidance for decision making, problem solving or creative thinking

  • Enhances mental clarity


Heart-Soak Technique

Use for situations or feelings that appear stuck or hopeless and would benefit from time soaking in the compassion of the heart:

  • Facilitates the “letting go” of worries, painful emotions or distressing events


Shift and Lift Technique

Use in groups such as meetings or group therapy. Teach other group members to help lift the vibrational field of the group:

  • Lifts the vibrational field environment surrounding you

Science of the heart image

Science Of The Heart:
Exploring the Role of the Heart in Human Performance

Free Download

Click on the button below for a free download of the complete guide to how the heart affects human performance.

Sunrise over Mountains

All About HeartMath

If you seek more information about HeartMath Techniques, uses, benefits, practitioner training, and more, please check out the extended video resources page on HeartMath Institute's Website by clicking the link below.

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