- Ashley Brothers -
Located in Bend Oregon
Shamanism - Reiki - Psychic Readings - Life Coaching - Workshops
Ashley Brothers

Ashley is a motivational speaker, spiritual counselor, teacher, and intuitive healer that has been practicing ancient and modern healing techniques since 2004. She facilitates in-person healings and workshops in Bend Oregon, as well as remote healings and psychic readings for people throughout the world.
Her passion is assisting people in becoming the best versions of themselves by identifying and overcoming trauma and limiting beliefs; healing chronic pain and disease; restoring health and wellbeing; igniting passion and joy; solving problems; setting and achieving goals; and learning how to use the technology of the mind, body, and soul to manifest their greatest reality.
Her work is a blend of techniques from cultures across the globe that combine science and spirituality to access alternate states of consciousness for information, power, protection, and healing.
Ashley's life was filled with hardship and adversity since birth and she found that although western medicine had its uses, it was limited in what it could do for someone who had experienced such profound pain and suffering that she couldn't tolerate the sound of a human voice or the touch of a human hand.
Life had become unbearable and there was nothing modern medicine could or would do to give her back what she had lost. It could not heal her mind, which had shattered into countless pieces. It could not heal her body when it was overtaken by a devastating disease. Nor could it help her reclaim her passion, power, and purpose, her desire to live, or the parts of her soul that made her feel happy, healthy, and whole.
So, Ashley used her training in ancient healing traditions to not only shut off a rare terminal disease, but also reclaim all the pieces of herself that she lost due to three and half decades of abuse, trauma, and neglect. She now enjoys life free of the disease and symptoms that plagued her for most of her life and she has made it her mission to help others find solutions to life's problems; end the cycle of psychological and physical suffering; and help people across the world reclaim their health, life force, vitality, passion, power, and purpose through modern and ancient techniques.
The Early Years:
Although she didn't start her formal training in multicultural shamanic healing techniques until 2004, Ashley's gifts of intuition, premonition, and clairvoyance began when she was still a baby. She still remembers standing at the edge of her crib watching spirits walk around the room. Needless to say, her early experiences made nap time and going to bed at night quite a unique, and often unpleasant, adventure. Ashley's most startling memory was first recounted to her parents when she was 18 years old. Her mother had juvenile-onset diabetes and Ashley asked her about an event in which her mother had collapsed on the living room floor for several hours. To this day, Ashley can still recall everything her mother did, what she wore, and the shows she watched on TV before the event. When Ashley explained what happened that day, including how she played with her sister until their father got home, her mother burst into tears. Ashley was then told that her mother had been in a coma for several hours while her sister played next to her unconscious body. Her father said that Ashley's sister had not been fed, nor had her diaper been changed, in over 7 hours before he had gotten home, but she was happy and content. When Ashley asked why no one talked about HER presence in the room that day, it was explained to her that she had not yet been born; that her mother had been 6 months pregnant with her and had fallen directly on her stomach at the time of the event. To this day, Ashley still remembers every detail of what happened.
Gift or Curse?
As Ashley grew, she had multiple premonitions that allowed her to be at the right place and time to prevent an accident or, in some cases, a death. She was also extremely empathic, able to feel a multitude of other people's thoughts and emotions simultaneously. Her gifts came sporadically and often induced fear, confusion, depression, and anxiety. She didn't know how to shut them off or call upon them, making her life, and ability to interact with others, very painful and difficult. She heard voices and saw eyes or faces looming above her bed at night. She felt the presence and touch of invisible malevolent beings day and night. Sometimes she encountered angelic presences that would intervene on her behalf, but she predominantly experienced the unpleasant side of the human and spiritual realms. Compound that with a history of abuse, divorce, and the death of her mother, Ashley developed severe anxiety, depression, and PTSD, for which she was medicated during 2000-2004. During that period, Ashley shut down and most of her gifts were suppressed, along with her personality.
The Reading That Changed Her Life:
In January 2004, Ashley went for a tarot reading that would change her life forever. As she bent down to pick up her purse, the reader asked Ashley if she knew she could speak to the dead. Chills went down her spine as she sat up and stared at the woman who then slid the business card of Ashley's first spiritual mentor across the table to her.
Ashley's first experience with shamanism began at a life purpose workshop in her hometown of Seattle, WA in early 2004. There she learned different divination techniques that helped her access information from alternate realities. After that, she received her first healing that would utterly change her life.
Soul Retrieval:
Before Ashley's first healing (soul retrieval) in 2004, she experienced a wide range of mental, emotional, and physical illnesses that made coping with life nearly impossible. She could barely tolerate the sound of a human voice or the touch of a human hand. She isolated herself from the world; slept long hours; and self-medicated with food and cigarettes. Within months of the healing, Ashley was able to hug her family for the first time in years without cringing. She lost 100 lbs; quit smoking; had her first massage; enrolled in massage school; ceased all medication; and began her training in energy medicine and shamanic healing techniques. To say that she became a different person; a happier, healthier person, with a life full of amazing experiences; is an understatement. What Ashley didn't know, when she started this journey, was that her gifts and training would someday save her own life.
Takayasu's Arteritis (AKA - The Pulseless Disease):
In November 2005, Ashley underwent a surgery to have 2 ovarian cysts removed. Unbeknownst to her, the doctor had left something behind that led to a massive infection that spread throughout her whole body, destroying some organs, and damaging others. It took 7.5 months for them to finally perform a 2nd surgery that revealed a retained lap sponge, two grapefruit-sized abscesses, which they removed before surgically separating the rest of her organs that had become fused together. She lost her left ovary that day and the rest of her reproductive system 8 months after that, but her journey did not stop there.
Ashley endured a 10-year path of multiple surgeries; severe pain; organ damage, failure, and loss; countless seizures; 16 miniature strokes; and the development of a rare, and often fatal, autoimmune disease (Takayasu's Arteritis) that nearly took her life on multiple occasions. It's a rare autoimmune disorder that first inflames your arteries and aorta and then scars them so badly that you lose the blood supply to whatever they are attached to. In this case, it affected so many parts of Ashley's body that she was forced to pre-pay for her own cremation and get her affairs in order.
Because her multitude of conditions were the result of medical malpractice, Ashley was ostracized and refused care by over 40 doctors in 3 different states. She turned to her spirit guides for help and their advice saved her life. Through her desperation and the dying process, she cultivated her relationship with her spirit guides, teachers, and alternate realities. What they taught her about herbs, diet, and lifestyle healed her entire body and put all of her former conditions in remission. However, she still had to undergo one last surgery. You wouldn't know by looking at Ashley that the blood supply to both of her legs, her left arm, and her brain flows through synthetic tubes made of gortex and dacron or that she had to relearn how to read, do the math, to eat solid food, and use the left side of her body all over again. Ashley now enjoys a fully functional, active life that includes travel, hiking, and weightlifting. With the help of her compassionate spirits, she did what the medical community considered impossible.
During this difficult period of her life, Ashley made it her mission to travel all over the United States and other countries to seek the wisdom teachings that she now passes to others through her healing sessions and training in various indigenous shamanic techniques.
Ashley's training includes psychic mediumship, journeying, soul retrieval, extraction, compassionate depossession, divination, oracle work, dying consciously, chakra illumination, reiki, massage, craniosacral therapy, sound therapy, pranic healing, reflexology, and countless shamanic initiations and ceremonies from cultures throughout the world since 2004.
Teachers and Current Certifications:
Introduction to Shamanic Healing - Char Sundust
Introduction to Tibetan Shamanism - Bhola Banstola
Lakota songs, ceremonies, dances, rituals and healing - Neil Blessed Sojourner
Pranic Healing 1&2 - Master Choa Kok Sui
Reiki Master - Holy Fire Reiki - Reiki Membership Association
Shamanic Practitioner - Foundation For Shamanic Studies & Four Winds Society
Mediumship and Advanced Compassionate Depossession - Betsy Bergstrom
Soul Retrieval - Sandra Ingramen
HeartMath Resilient Heart Trauma Sensitive Training
Intensive Progressive & Week-long Intensive - Dr. Joe Dispenza
Unleash The Power Within - Tony Robbins
Occupational History:
Ashley has worked in the medical field since 1997. She started as a direct care provider for developmentally disabled and mentally ill adults in group home settings. From there she became a medical claims examiner and supervisor for Social Security Disability. She was on the board that created the paperless electronic filing system for the entire United States Social Security Disability program. She became a medical massage therapist and reiki practitioner in 2005.
Ashley's extensive medical training (1500+ hours) and experience, combined with her spiritual gifts, training, and experience, equip her to deal with a wide range of populations. She is not only knowledgeable of physical, mental, and emotional conditions; their limitations, and conventional treatments; but she is also gifted in taking a holistic approach to healing on multiple levels. She goes for the root source of a problem instead of the superficial symptoms. Ashley knows, through experience, that addictions, illness, and dysfunction are usually a result of imbalances and feeling disconnected. Her multicultural, multidimensional modalities allow her to tailor her healing and training sessions to meet your unique individual needs. She acknowledges that she is not a medical doctor and will gladly, and safely, work in conjunction with your healthcare professionals if that is your wish. Her greatest desire is to bring you back to wholeness, love, harmony, abundance, optimal health, and well-being in whatever way suits your comfort level and highest healing good.
Thank you for reading. May you have a blessed day.