- Ashley Brothers -
Located in Bend Oregon
Shamanism - Reiki - Psychic Readings - Life Coaching - Workshops

Shamanic Practitioner Training
Welcome to the Institute of Conscious Evolution where Ashley Brothers will be your guide to becoming supernatural. She has studied with shamans, seers, mystics, and medicine practitioners throughout the world since 2004. Ashley has created a curriculum based on their most efficient and powerful techniques, rituals, and ceremonies that will not only transform your life, but also the lives of others you encounter. Get off the freeway of karma and create a new path of destiny and dharma to become the greatest version of yourself.
In our training you will learn how to:
- Develop your psychic skills and read any object like a tarot card
- Travel to other lifetimes, timelines and dimensional realities
- Connect and communicate with your spirit guides, power animals and allies for information, power, protection and healing
- Combust dense energies that are stuck in your field and transform them into sources of wisdom, power and light
- Clear, balance, harmonize and empower your chakras
- Activate your light body and reprogram your energy centers to greatness
- Radiate a higher frequency to manifest optimal health, abundance, opportunities, love and more
- Explore the chambers of the subconscious that hold past wounds, soul contracts, gifts, soul parts and other gems
- Heal core wounds and ancestral trauma
- Build up your resilience and tolerance to stress and create new reference patterns that have nothing to do with the past
- Edit and rewrite your soul contracts
- Program crystals to extract intrusive energies or to infuse light
- Retrieve parts of yourself you may have lost as a result of life’s experiences or aspects of your consciousness that have not yet emerged
- Jump timelines, enter new momentum tunnels and create a new destiny
- Help lost souls heal and move on to the Destiny of Human Souls
- Live and die consciously
- Use ancient alchemical techniques and modern science to transform your life or someone else’s
- Embody your fully healed self
Step into into infinity and become a spiritual warrior, a healer, a seer, and a beacon of hope and inspiration for others

List of Shamanic Healing Workshops
Contact Ashley if you seek a free consultation
If you seek more information about workshops or services, please fill out the form on the contact page or call Ashley at 206-550-6292.